Software & Softwaredevelopment
MakroSolutions has many years of know-how and a competent team in the area of RetroFIT. We discuss your wishes and needs, which we integrate into a tailor-made modernization. Our solutions for automation and control systems bring your system back to the state of the art - your system works more efficiently and requires less maintenance, while the availability is maximized with the help of modern control technology to ensure long-term production reliability.
Every company has specific requirements. For this reason, successful planning first requires a thorough analysis of the current situation. MakroSolutions wide-ranging competence and experience make us the preferred contact for all your projects and processes. We identify weak points in the process, define savings potential and simulate suitable improvements. Step by step we plan the right, intelligent and economical solution together.
Prozess Control System Makro M-PCS
The range of applications for our MaKro M-PCS process control software is versatile and supports you in the automation of small systems as well as complex large projects. The software impresses with its seamless interlinking and intuitive operation - you reduce set-up times and ensure maximum productivity of the machines and systems, while you remain flexible with regard to product changes.
The question of the system size from which our software is financially viable does not even arise - just what functionality you want!
Highlights of the Macro M-PCS process control system:
- industry-independent
- realizable for any size of system central
- complete long-term archiving of all data
- Implementation of energy management systems according to ISO 50001 and EN 16001
- Support with validation according to FDA, GAMP5, etc. through integrated version management and change control
Your advantages:
- all relevant information can be called up directly on a PC or tablet
- Traceability of your products
- simplified logistics processes
- Securing your quality standards
Machine and system control
Do you want to continue to operate your existing systems and at the same time use the functionality of tomorrow?
Software is a key component and is essentially responsible for the productivity of a plant. On the basis of a functional analysis, we offer you the opportunity to introduce your requirements individually. Thanks to our modular and continuously developed software modules, we can implement powerful functions and visualizations tailored to your requirements. Give your production system a "second life", regardless of the previous product supplier and with our modularized RetroFIT concepts.
- system independent
- Control and drive technology
- AWL, KOP, AS, ST, ...
- Operating modes, recipes, machine configuration
- Refactoring of obsolete and no longer available technologies
Visualizations (components / systems)
- Creation of UIs (User Interface) and HMIs (Human-Machine Interface)
- Icon design screen layouts
- Operating procedures
- 2D / 3D representation of processes and components
Prozessoptimierung ERP-Systeme
Due to a constantly and rapidly changing market situation, changing customer requirements and globalization, functioning and flexible processes within a company are becoming increasingly important. In order to consider complex processes and structures in an economically efficient and sensible context, all operational procedures must be subject to a process-oriented working method. A large number of software tools are available for this purpose, which connect the individual parts of the company in a meaningful way, starting with an ERP system, via CRM systems, various marketing and sales software, product management systems, warehouse management systems, and even production control programs. Especially i.a. For logistics and mechanical engineering, MakroSolutions offers you support in process optimization. We neutrally consider all tasks and activities of all human and material resources occurring in the company, create a process map from this and derive optimization potential and possible improvements. We also identify weak points in your e-business concept and your IT infrastructure, define interfaces with internal and external systems and give recommendations for possible adjustments or changes within the software used. With MakroSolutions' own software development, we can also develop and provide uncomplicated interfaces ourselves or optimize existing interfaces. We can also support you with planned software introductions or lengthy updates of existing software. We provide you with experienced project managers and, if necessary, software developers to relieve you of your challenges or to take over these tasks entirely. This gives you the greatest possible flexibility in day-to-day business and creates freedom in the implementation of complex projects. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
IT Infrastructur
Current applications in the field of automation and process optimization pose major challenges for existing networks. 5G and Wi-Fi6 technology offers new possibilities in terms of response times, data volumes and simultaneous users that meet the challenges. We already use professional devices today. Based on our experience, we can provide the right solution for you. We are at your disposal for further information. Feel free to contact us!
Localization software
When containers, tools or machines are used in different places, it is easy to lose track of which part is being used where. For this purpose, we have developed a simple and reliable solution for recording the locations of objects. A QR code is scanned on site and the location can be called up directly in the application. "Based on QR codes, the software can be flexibly adapted to your needs."